Let me start by saying not everything that works for one person will work for another. But given our circumstances it sure is worth a try. The last few years I have been on a journey of semi-recovery. I still find myself with symptoms if I overdo it or don't get enough sleep. I have learned to keep activities to a minimum and sleep to a maximum! I have also hired help with my housework and that has given me that much needed rest and recovery. Not everyone can afford that, but if you can, it is a prescription we should heed to. I look at it as a medical prescription for my health and recovery, not as a luxury per se. Back when I first got help, I was embarrassed at not cleaning my own house. Then, slowly I started feeling relieved, rested and thankful for the opportunity to do so. I had ended my cycle of cleaning, crashing, cleaning,crashing and so on. Between the two, I did not have a life. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that God has made this possible to me. I can rest and when rested up, I'm able to spend my energy on fun things like crafting or short shopping trips.
The next thing that has helped me tremendously was NAET treatments. Here is a link to the definition of NAET: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAET . At first, I was very wary of these treatments. But I had heard through a friend that they had helped her with her and her children's allergies. I decided to give it a shot and found a NAET specialist in our area. I discovered through the testing phase that I was allergic to several foods and vitamins, minerals and chemicals as well as several of my medications and supplements! No wonder I felt so crappy. But would this treatment really help me, I wondered. Only one way to find out...spend the money to try it and hope and pray for the best. Slowly, I started feeling as if a foggy cloud was being lifted from me and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel! After several months of treatment I felt like Tony the Tiger, grrrreat!! But some of my allergies came back. I had to get re-treated for several allergies. And at one point I was having anaphylactic shock with several foods I was eating. I found and went to a new NAET doctor that was highly qualified and a lot more trained in the field. Farther away, a little more in cost, but worth the try for my health. I had to limit my food intake to a diet I was not allergic to which consisted of only beef, pork, broccoli, carrots, salt and pepper, until I could get treated for enough foods to stop having anaphylactic shock when I ate. The new doctor proved to be just the ticket. I feel he saved my life! I feel I have a whole new body. I used to get the shakes when I drank coffee with cream and sugar. After being treated for this I shake no longer! It is amazing how it works.
Finally, the third thing I have done was to change my eating habits. I cut out all gluten, sugars and carbs, except for natural carbs and sugars from fruits and veggies, and ate clean. I tried my best to eat the cleanest most natural way I could. If it was the way God made it, no preservatives or additives then I allowed myself to eat it. Whole foods, just the way God made it like oranges, apples, pears, meats that were not processed like beef, chicken, pork chops etc... No snacks like chips, crackers, etc... As they have too many ingredients and are too processed. It is extremely hard to eat this way but if you can, your body will thank you. I sometimes fall off the wagon and eat gluten or processed foods and I pay for it. It takes about 3 or so days of back to gluten free and clean eating to feel better.
I hope this post helps at least one person to feel better, if not several! If you have any questions about the things I have shared with you, please email me and I will help as much as I can!
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